Avada Gives You Power To Create Something That Is Beautiful
Fully Responsive
Avada's responsive framework ensures your content looks great on all screen sizes.Perfect For All Sizes
No matter the size of your screen or device, your site will look fantastic.Premium Sliders
Avada includes four premium sliders that make your content stand out!Make Your Content Stand Out
Avada includes the Layer Slider, Revolution Slider, Fusion Slider and Elastic Slider.Amazing Elements
Avada offers incredible elements that allow you to create a beautiful site.Build Something Beautiful
Dozens of well designed shortcodes loaded with options gives you perfect freedom.Amazing Elements To Build Beauty
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[水里試聽室]老戰友TEAC AI-3000
飯店的試聽室,是以樂趣為出發點,反正都進來住宿了,比較不會害羞,可以輕鬆地體驗音響。 過年要到了,試聽室要夠熱鬧才好玩,剛好有朋友想寄售 TEAC AI-3000,剛好拿到水里來展示,之前進了一對 Dali Epicon2終於有拿出來展的機會了。 過年期間,歡迎大家有空來水里玩玩喔! By 年前一直搬好東西去水里的小老闆 [...]
飯店有個問題困擾一整年了,就是架高的區域,走路的聲音很清楚。 想說鋪上地毯應該可以改善,鋪上地毯後,果真走廊的腳步聲降低了10dB,但是房間內的感受並沒有真的被解決。 之前問過許多專家,都說要拆開來看看才會知道哪邊有問題?而且通常都是複合式的,就算發現問題,也沒那麼簡單處理。放棄改善,是個很務實的選擇。逃避雖然可恥,但有效! 但鋪好的地板都拆了,實在不甘心,一不做二不休,把架高的走廊掀起來看看,如果真的沒救就蓋起來,盡力了。 打開一看,發現,整個架高區域都是相同的,門的下方都沒有封閉,加上走廊的架高,變成一個巨大的音箱(或是鼓),難怪可以有如此巨大的低頻與共振音。輕輕鬆鬆發出20-30Hz的低頻,滿足音響愛好者的需求。 立刻運用設計音箱的知識,強化架高的框架,降低整體的振動。並使用岩棉,水泥,細砂石填充,將房間與走廊做隔絕。 改善程度顯著,鬆了口氣。看來可以讓大家來玩的時候,可以住得更舒適一些。 By 沒想到音響知識連飯店整修都能用的小老闆 [...]
明天要去高雄討論很意義的案子,想說今天就先到水里調整試聽室,以免大家來玩時,還要擔心空間問題。 音響室內的吸音是個重要的工作,如果沒有適當的吸音,空間內的殘響與高頻會讓音樂很難聽下去,角落的低頻會聲音混濁。 但不能做得太超過與太明顯,不然大家會覺得,買回家後是不是沒辦法辦到? 軟材質就是個好東西,於是今天把地毯鋪上去,並在木板後方擺上朋友的吸音棉,增加吸音。然後不破壞整體觀感。 下次來玩,可以看到處處有小細節喔! 今天聽良人推Dali Opticon6,阿巴多的貝多芬第2與第5號交響曲,整張聽完還真過癮。 好久沒有這樣的時間,能好好地聽音樂了。 By [...]
User Reviews
I bought a copy of this theme to test and I am impressed. Not only the theme is well thought out with good amount options and excellent customisation facilities but their support at their support forum is exemplary.I can thoroughly recommend the theme and the developer. I will be buying more licenses.
Awesome, You People are Extraordinary with Support and I don’t know any word which is bigger than extraordinary or have written here million times! Superb Theme Superb People and Superb Support! Thanks for Awesome Help! I don’t need to buy any theme again, this is ultimate THEME for Me for Every Busin
ess and Client of Mine.
This theme is GREAT. I have tried to work with other themes in the past and always run into bugs, but not with Avada! It is very easy to customize the theme to suit your site without any code knowledge. The portfolio and sliders are a must-have for me, and Avada truly delivers! I will be sticking with Avada for quite some time!